My classes strive to give thorough, text-based learning, while still maintaining a conversational tone. I value the relationship I develop with my students through learning together, and recognize that this is a vital component in shaping a successful class. The transition into married life is incredibly exciting, yet it can come with certain challenges. I am available to my students to answer any questions that come up, even once the course has been completed. Many women also find it helpful to discuss questions about their marriage, even after being married for many years.

The Value of Speaking With a Yoetzet Halacha

Sometimes questions regarding such a private realm can seem awkward or uncomfortable to bring up. However, such questions are vital to ensuring a healthy marriage and proper observance of this area of Jewish life. My classes seek to answer the un-answered questions, and provide a safe space to discuss one’s concerns. I tackle common misconceptions regarding the Jewish view of intimacy and laws requiring separation of husband and wife, and I aim to help the student build a positive connection with this dimension of her life.

In any area of Jewish law, one’s personal practice is comprised of both general rabbinic consensus and communal or family custom. Particularly within the area of Jewish family life, practices differ greatly between communities. I aim to provide you with the background knowledge to understand the development of Jewish law in this area, and to understand the differing opinions when they arise.

Finding a Mentor

It is important to make sure you and your spouse are on the same page with regards to the customs you will be keeping in your marriage. I recommend deciding together on a rabbinic mentor whom you can consult for guidance throughout your marriage.

Meet Shira


Shira Donath serves as the rebbetzin and Yoetzet Halacha of Congregation Darchei Noam in Fair Lawn, NJ, and teaches numerous kallah classes. She also teaches AP Psychology and Women in Halacha at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School. Shira is a graduate of Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center’s US Yoatzot Halacha Program and Stern College for Women, where she received a B.A. with a major in Psychology and minor in Business and Management. Prior to attending Stern College, Shira studied at Michlalah Jerusalem College in Israel. Shira aims to combine her background in psychology with her training as a Yoetzet Halacha to provide the women she teaches with a comfortable avenue for asking sensitive questions.